30|05|2024 Open Call 2024, Annuncio Esiti
Open Call
30|05|2024 Open Call 2024, Annuncio Esiti
Open Call
Special thanks to all the artists who shared their ideas and projects with Villa Filanda Antonini. Each contribution is unique and testifies to the warmth with which the Open Call 2024, supported by Culture Moves Europe, was received.
We received a large number of submissions that draw a significant cross-section of Europe and its emerging artists. Each application was carefully analyzed through portfolio, cover letter, and CV. In addition, the relevance of the artistic research path to the theme proposed by Villa Filanda Antonini was evaluated.
Based on these considerations, the grants supported by Culture Moves Europe are awarded to:
– Davide Ronco
– Priss Niinikoski
– Xiao Zhiyu